Rapid Business Expansion That Really Works

The world is changing at a lightning-fast pace. In order for businesses to not just survive but truly thrive, shifts in the marketplace must not only be recognized immediately— they must be predicted.

At the same time, today’s employee demands authenticity and transparency and quality. Business leaders must know how to get the best out of their team— so that any employee can become an exceptional employee who treats the business as if it were their own. CEOs and Business Owners who learn the secret of getting the most out of every employee— as well as knowing how to attract and hire the best talent right from the start— are leaps and bounds ahead of the crowd.

Both the organization and the employees must transform in order to take organizations into this thriving next-level 21st-century environment. It takes expert analysis and truly-transformational leadership to accomplish both objectives. That expertise coupled with a proven system to take everything to the top level is pure gold.

At It’s More Than Just Numbers, we know how to analyze a business and find its keys. We specialize in guiding leaders and— when needed— stepping in to temporarily lead organizations and employees through rapidly-upward transformational processes. All this while focusing on the core foundations of demand, vision, leadership, and implementation. A hyper-focus on rapidly multiplying revenue and finding hidden revenue sources and revenue streams— which can start almost immediately and continue on into the future— combine for record-breaking revenues in record breaking timeframes.

Business expansion can be quick, dramatic, and solid. It just takes a clear vision of where the company is going, absolutely knowing where the trends will be in your industry years from now, a high-impact business plan, and a proven system to put all of that into a crystal-clear, step-by-step path to lead your organization into the near and distant future with confidence.


The key is knowing the future demand of your key markets— not the present demand. Rapid business expansion is only the beginning. If you want it to continue— your high-impact business plan must be designed and planned to meet the future market demands. Many companies fail because their plan is based on analysis where they think they should be today— based on current trends and market indicators— so when the next trend comes they are hopelessly behind.


Vision includes a clear, unfiltered view of where the organization and employees are today and where they need to be in the future. Examining the true present view can be painful— because many Business Owners and CEOs don’t even want to see where they truly are, let alone admit it. But knowing where you are is a critical first step. Then, the end vision must align with the future market demands— so you have to be able to accurately see what those will be. Bridging the gap between the present and the future becomes the strategic plan for change.


Transformation requires exact execution of a strategic plan to make the future vision become a reality. Often, organizations and employees fail to transform because they are too busy doing what they currently do. Getting what “needs to be done” can be the reason they fail to execute the strategic plan for change— or why they don’t have a high-impact business plan to begin with— which would completely rocket revenues and truly transform the company in record-breaking time.


Currently-successful leaders are often the biggest challenge to the transformation and rapid expansion process— because they do not want to change what is currently working. Leadership must see the need for constant adaptive change and be fully invested in the process to expand and transform to new levels of excellence. For this reason— outside transitional leadership can be required to properly execute a strategic plan of organizational transformation and rapid business expansion.